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California Questionnaire: 杜大甫

California Questionnaire: 杜大甫

The 奥兰治县-based chef marries tradition with innovation in his Vietnamese-American cooking

出生在 奥克兰 现在住在 奥兰治县, first-generation Vietnamese-American chef 杜大甫 embodies the rich culinary diversity found throughout the Golden State. After working in some of the country’s finest kitchens—including 潘尼斯之家贴梗海棠, 和 Acquerello -Phu created An, a weekly pop-up dining experience inspired in part by his mother’s recipes. 这次冒险促使 旧金山纪事报 to name him a 2017 Rising Star Chef 和 paved the way for his inclusion on season 15 of Bravo’s 顶级大厨.

Phu will return to Northern California to showcase his cuisine during the 2024 claros公司葡萄酒 & 食物的经验. He is the featured chef at the J Vineyards 和 Winery: Shifting the Lens Lunch, a May 19 special event that celebrates “cuisines 和 perspectives that are rarely represented in wine country tasting experiences.” 票价为195美元.

Here’s a look at Phu’s Golden State favorites. 

你住在哪里?? 我最近从 旧金山湾区 to 奥兰治县. We’ve been here coming up on two years.

为什么? 我妻子的家人住在这里. bbin游戏官网喜欢在海边. 加州的日落是无与伦比的.

Who or what is your greatest California love? I'm in the ocean every morning, either snorkeling or diving. Our coastline is teeming with beauty.

What is the biggest misperception about Californians? That we all love avocado toast 和 that our pizza is horrible.

What is the stereotype that most holds true? We use “hella” to describe something amazing.

What is your favorite Golden State splurge? Dungeness crab season is amazing during the holidays.

Time for a road trip—where are you going? In my younger years, I was an avid forager for mushrooms 和 seaweed along the 奇诺 和 索诺玛 沿海地区. There’s a ton of cute bed-和-breakfasts in the little towns along the coast. 还有很棒的隐蔽餐馆. 猪岛 对于牡蛎来说 山竹湾. 还有最好吃的披萨 咖啡馆雷耶斯 在雷耶斯角车站.

If you could decree an official state culinary experience, what would it be? I would create a "California Culinary Journey" that celebrates the state's rich diversity, 农业丰度, 烹饪创新. Highlights would include visits to California’s farms, where our state’s produce reign supreme.

What is your favorite way to play in California? 找一个海滩. 在海里潜水. 与海豚同游.

Where would you go for the ultimate shopping spree in California? 酒之乡,在酒上挥霍.

最佳加州歌曲? Otis Redding's “(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay” captures the essence of California with its vivid imagery of coastal l和scapes, embodying a sense of freedom 和 introspection. This mirrors California's allure as a place for self-discovery 和 the pursuit of dreams, making the song a perfect anthem that resonates with the state's natural beauty.

How would your California dream day unfold? The adventure starts with a rejuvenating dive in the cool, inviting waters off 拉古纳海滩. This early morning connection with the ocean sets a serene tone for the day ahead. After emerging from the ocean, I enjoy breakfast at a quaint beachfront café in 纽波特比奇. I hit the road in my vintage convertible Bronco, the cool morning air rushing around me. The Pacific Coast Highway stretches out in front, a ribbon of asphalt that promises endless vistas 和 discoveries.

My first destination is a picturesque winery in 圣芭芭拉分校 吃午饭. 圣芭芭拉分校's reputation for excellent Chardonnay is well deserved, 搭配海鲜, it's a sublime introduction to California's culinary delights. 

下午三点左右,我到达了 圣路易斯奥比斯波. Here, I w和er through a vibrant farmers' market, sampling local cheeses 和 fruits. 很短的车程, a vineyard offers a tasting session where I indulge in the area's celebrated Pinot Noir 和 Syrah, savoring each sip amid the rolling hills. 

As the sun begins its descent, I find myself in 大瑟尔, a place where the dramatic cliffs meet the deep blue Pacific. Dinner at a cliffside restaurant offers not just exquisite farm-to-table cuisine but also panoramic views of the sunset over the ocean. 旅程结束于 蒙特利, where I check into a cozy inn that faces the bay. The soothing sounds of the waves provide a natural lullaby, the perfect end to a day filled with exploration, 烹饪的冒险, 和 the sheer joy of driving a classic Bronco along one of the most scenic routes in the world. 



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