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How to Skip the Lines at 10 California 的me Parks

How to Skip the Lines at 10 California 的me Parks

Posted a month agoby Katrina Hunt

的me park thrills come in many different forms. 对一些人来说,与最喜欢的角色合影时,兴奋程度会飙升. 对其他人来说,这就是坐过山车,让你窒息. And for a certain type of guest, 当他们意识到自己不用排队就能直接上车时,肾上腺素的激增就来了.

虽然你通常可以通过在工作日或安静的季节参观主题公园来减少等待时间, 大多数 California theme 公园 也有一些程序可以保证在任何一天都能在一线访问. 通常,当你在网上购买入场券时,你会额外购买这些通行证.

虽然这些项目无疑会给你的主题公园之旅增加一点成本, they can also add plenty of value, 特别是如果你的首要任务是覆盖很多地方,体验最受欢迎的游乐设施. For families, 尽量减少可能考验孩子(和他们的父母)耐心的等待也是无价之宝.


Sesame Place 圣地亚哥: Magic Queue

Located about seven miles from downtown 圣地亚哥,这 Chula Vista theme park offers a mix of water park funclassic rides以及由《bbin游戏官网》中的角色主演的现场表演. Its Magic Queue system, which works with an issued ticket or wristband, offers a few different options (and prices, 根据您访问的特定日期):一次性优先访问每个干游乐设施(19美元).99–$79.99美元/人),也可以无限制地乘坐干湿游乐设施(29美元/人).99–$99.99). 在购买机票时购买升级,或使用 Sesame Place Mobile App).

SeaWorld 圣地亚哥: Quick Queue & Reserved Seating

You have a few different line-skipping options at the 圣地亚哥 主题公园,它可以以打印门票或手机条形码的形式出现. Starting at $39.99 extra per person, 快速排队通行证可以让你无限制地进入前排,并预订座位 Arctic Rescue. Or you can pay $9.99 for a reserved seat at La Viva Musica live show. 

You could also get the combo: For rates starting at $29.99 per person, 快速排队首映式可以让你跳过这四个游乐设施的线路,再加上预订座位. (请注意,这些都是起始价格,根据当天的情况可能会更高). 你也可以购买单次快速队列青少年通行证,选择更小的孩子乘坐,起价4美元.99.


乐高乐园 California: Reserve ’N’ Ride

的 卡尔斯巴德 主题公园使用的是一种跳过排队的预订系统,你可以通过手机或公园内售货亭的设备进行预订. 三种级别的跳线速度可供选择:特快(每人35美元起), Deluxe (starting from $55), Ultimate (starting from $100). 然后,在十几个最受欢迎的游乐设施上预订乘车时间,包括 Emmett’s Flying Adventure Ride的 DragonLEGO CITY: Deep Sea Adventure. 请注意,每天的“N”票数量有限 圣地亚哥 County park, sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

Disneyland Resort: 精灵+ and Lightning Lanes

的 new system for skipping lines at the 阿纳海姆 公园, which replaces the former Fastpass system, 每人30美元起(价格随日期变化),作为入场券的附加费用.

Start by downloading the free Disneyland Resort App to your phone, 其中包括免费的“精灵”服务,你可以看到等待时间, order food, or map out an itinerary for your day. 为精灵+付费(注意“+”),你还可以使用该应用程序在免等待中预订一个回合 Lightning Lanes at each of the 19 participating rides, 包括 Haunted MansionIncredicoasterMillennium Falcon: Smugglers Run.

With or without 精灵+, 您还可以使用该应用程序每天购买最多两张闪电通道通行证 iconic 公园, which can be used at three rides: Star Wars: Rise of the ResistanceRadiator Springs RacersWeb Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure. 这些点单通行证的价格从每人7美元到25美元不等.

Knott’s Berry Farm: Fast Lane

的 Buena Park 主题公园有一个非常简单的系统:每张票额外支付74美元,购买一个腕带,可以让你无限制地乘坐各种游乐设施, 包括 悬空时间Calico River RapidsGhostRider. 预订时检查一下日历:快车道通行证只在特定的日子提供,通常是最繁忙的日子 Orange County park only sells a limited number of passes per day.

Universal Studios Hollywood: Universal Express

Buy an Express ticket when you book your visit to the Los Angeles 主题公园,你可以在每个游乐设施、景点或座位表演中跳过一次排队. 环球快线一日票的额外费用 movie-and-TV-themed park 起价为每人100美元,但视日期而定.

Six Flags Magic Mountain: Flash Passes

使用你的智能手机或公园的设备来跳过排队 Santa Clarita park that’s known for its intense coasters. 选择你的行程和时间,当轮到你的时候,你会收到提醒. Choose from three levels: Standard ($70, for wait times reduced by 25 percent), Premium ($95, waits reduced by 50 percent), or Ultimate ($170, with which the park promises “immediate” entry). 的 Flash Pass is good for unlimited turns on 20 rides. 

吉洛伊 Gardens: Fast Lane

每张票额外支付35美元购买一个腕带,可以让你在公园内全天20次骑行时排在队伍的最前面 吉洛伊 amusement park. 的 little-kid-friendly park 还提供团购优惠:如果你买了至少三个手环, the price goes down to $25 per person.

California’s Great America: Fast Lane

Buy a wristband that starts at $59 extra per person, you can skip the line, for unlimited turns, on 18 popular rides at the Santa Clara theme park, 包括 RailBlazer爱国者Gold Striker. Note that the Silicon Valley theme park 每天只出售有限数量的快车道通行证,而且只在特定的日子出售. (通常在淡季工作日是买不到门票的,反正排队的人也会少一些.)

Six Flags Discovery Kingdom: Flash Passes

使用您的智能手机或公园发行的设备,在此预订七个游乐设施 瓦列霍 主题公园,然后到的时候你会收到提醒. Choose from three levels: Standard ($50), Premium ($70, waits reduced by half), or Ultimate ($115, which allows “immediate” entry). 闪票可以让你在十几个热门游乐设施上无限转弯,包括 的 Joker的 Flash: Vertical VelocityWonder Woman: Lasso of Truth. Also offered at the Bay Area park is the Flash Pass Junior Premium (starting at $25), 在某些儿童和家庭友好的景点,等待时间减少了一半, the Flash Pass Junior Ultimate (starting at $35), for immediate access. 

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