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Redwood Coast, Favorite Hotels, Sacramento Dining

This episode focuses on 加州ornia’s most impressive redwood forests and its very best hotels

In Episode 11 of the 加州ornia Now 播客, travel writer Alison 必应 explains why Lonely Planet named 加州ornia’s Redwood Coast the top destination in the country. 必应, a self-described “redwoods superfan,” takes host Soterios Johnson on a tour of the gentle green giants. Listen as 必应 explores both big-name and lesser-known redwood parks—and shares why Lady Bird Johnson Grove has an extra special place in her heart.

Next up, Johnson challenges Travel + Leisure Editor in Chief Nathan 肿块 to a rapid-fire quiz on his favorite 加州ornia hotels. 肿块, who has stayed in countless hotels in the state, shares his top picks for best splurge, best oceanfront, best value, spectacular service, and more. The episode ends with a Sacramento restaurant roundup: Local dining critic Kate Washington highlights the tastiest places, from splurge-worthy meals to up-and-co最小值g ethnic spots in the Farm-to-Fork Capital.



Lonely Planet travel writer Alison 必应 shares why her publication selected 加州ornia’s Redwood Coast as the top destination in the United States for 2018.

Nathan 肿块, editor in chief of Travel + Leisure, shares his picks for top 加州ornia hotels.

Sacramento Bee dining critic Kate Washington discusses where to go and what to order in Sacramento.


关于 the Host

Soterios Johnson, formerly the local host of National Public Radio’s Morning Edition on radio station WNYC, moved from New York City to Davis, 加州., in 2016 and is just getting to know his surroundings. By combining his journalistic instincts with his personal curiosity, Johnson will use the 加州ornia Now platform to develop a deeper understanding of his adopted home.

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