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With its incredible perch on 蒙特利 Bay, the city of 蒙特利 offers both timeless scenery 和 rich history. 

The small city enjoys a prime location on the mellow Central Coast, yet is also easy to reach from bigger metropolitan areas: It’s located two hours south of 旧金山, 和 a little more than an hour from 圣荷西. It’s also one of the prime stops on any 1号公路自驾游,与…一起 大瑟尔 和 赫斯特城堡.

从城镇的中心开始罐头厂行, the waterfront district that started boo最小值g in the 1850s. Home for millennia to the Ohlone, Esselen, 和萨利宁部落, immigrants from Europe 和 Asia settled here in the 19th century to fish the waters, 重点是沙丁鱼. Thanks to the resulting canneries, 蒙特利 became known as “Sardine Capital of the World.” John Steinbeck, born 和 raised in nearby 萨利纳斯, immortalized that era in his 1945 novel 罐头厂行,这个名字就流传下来了. 

今天, you can still see the 19th-century architecture along the walkable blocks of this downtown area, but the old cannery buildings are now largely occupied by hotels, 餐厅, 酒吧, 和商店. For a whimsical time-machine experience, take a spin on 《寻宝之旅, an indoor ride on 罐头厂行 that celebrates the legend of Captain Hippolyte Bouchard, a pirate who supposedly attacked 蒙特利 in 1818. 


离 罐头厂行 era has found its own modern-day fame: The acclaimed 蒙特利湾水族馆, housed in one of those former sardine canneries, has become a leading marine life 和 conservation institution. In the indoor aquarium—boasting 28-foot windows—you can see jellyfish, 豹鲨, 和 sardines swim最小值g in a kelp forest, 和 marvel at a variety of exhibits, from penguins to the giant Pacific octopus. From the aquarium’s outdoor decks, 你可以看到海獭, 海豹, 和 more marine life going about their lives in the 蒙特利 Bay National Marine Sanctuary, the vast federally protected area known as the “Serengeti of the Sea.” 

想看更多风景,步行或 自行车 沿着18英里 蒙特利 Bay Coastal Recreation Trail,或者出海 皮划艇. 附近,探索 老渔人码头, the 1845 pier that offers saltwater taffy, little shops, 和 a launching point for both 钓鱼旅行 和 观鲸之旅

Where to Eat 和 Stay in 蒙特利

You can find plenty of excellent dining on 罐头厂行 or within a few blocks, such as the sustainable seafood at the Michelin-recommended 沿海的厨房,烘焙食品 阿尔塔面包店和咖啡馆, 和 the acclaimed 意大利 cuisine at Montrio小酒馆位于1910年的一个消防站内. At 老渔人码头, stop for a scoop at 蒙特利湾乳品店,午餐时间 老渔夫岩洞 (known for its chowder 和 Dungeness crab), or a dinner of fresh seafood with an 意大利 spin at Paluca饮食店

For overnight stays, the 蒙特利 area offers a wide range of 酒店及客栈, including several with enviable spots near or on the waterfront. 考虑到 InterContinental The Clement 蒙特利 或者是 蒙特利广场酒店 & 水疗中心, where balconies look out over the bay, 或者是 nearby 拉酒店 & 水疗中心, which has a spa 和 an onsite craft brewery.

Exploring 更多的 of 蒙特利 County

蒙特利 makes an excellent launching pad for more nearby gems, including the irresistible towns of 迦密在海边一样 和 大瑟尔. 参观 国家斯坦贝克中心 in 萨利纳斯 to learn more about the life 和 times of Steinbeck, then taste your way through 蒙特利县的酒庄 还有品酒室 迦密在海边一样 和 卡梅尔山谷. 以风景为例 17英里驾驶 to 卵石滩 for a round of golf on one of the famous courses, or go see the butterflies in 太平洋格罗夫





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